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Chapter 03: Saying Yes

  • Say. Mean. Do.

    There are three parts to making a commitment.

    • You say you’ll do it.
    • You mean it.
    • You actually do it.
  • There is (technically) no way out of this verbal commitment. You said you’ll do it and now only a binary result is possible—you either get it done, or you don’t. If you don’t get it done, people can hold you up to your promises. You will feel bad about not doing it. You will feel awkward telling someone about not having done it (if that someone heard you promise you will).

  • The earlier you raise the flag to all stakeholders, the more likely there will be time for the team to stop, reassess the current actions being taken, and decide if something can be done or changed (in terms of priorities, for example). By doing this, your commitment can still be fulfilled, or you can change to a different commitment.

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